Write Your Story

How it Works

1. Mary offers a wide range of life story writing exercises. Keeping in mind your audience and which aspects of your life you want like to share, she will tailor a life story curriculum for you.

2. Each exercise, whether given in a group setting or on an individual basis, includes various elements: brainstorming, free writing, outlining, writing, and revising. You might choose to confer with Mary at every step or only once a draft is complete. Perhaps you’ll skip the pre-writing exercises and go straight to writing a draft. Whatever you choose, Mary will offer feedback and help you stay on track.

3. You and Mary will toss your chapters back and forth until you are pleased with their content and style.

4. Next comes discussing where to place photos and images as well as documents such as letters and newspaper clippings.

5. With careful attention to the time period, content and tone of the life story, a professional graphic designer will pull everything together to create your book.

6. Once you and a professional proofreader have proofread the final draft, the book will be printed and bound. You have reached your journey’s end!

Consider joining one of Mary’s writing groups. For more information take a look at this link: https://marywordworks.com/services/writers-groups.